AUTHOR, Health Care of a Thousand Slights


    SPEAKER on Health Disparities

  • About Me

    Hi! I'm Anjana Sreedhar, author of Healthcare of a Thousand Slights and speaker on health disparities. This book was published in December 2020 through New Degree Press. The hardcover version was released in June 2022, and the audiobook version dropped in September 2023.

    A Year from Publication

    Over four years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic and the #BlackLivesMatter movement have brought health disparities among marginalized communities to the fore of national conversation.


    These national events, along with my own diversity & inclusion work and professional health care experience, made me realize the importance of sharing the key linkages between harmful policies and health care outcomes.


    And what was made even more clear is the need to share this with others, especially those studying public health and those committed to improving the lives of everyday Americans.


    Now that it has been a little over a year since the book was published, I hope to continue spreading this message and education through providing talks and speeches on the topic of health disparities. By weaving together history, public policy, and health care, I hope to share why our health care system in the United States was designed to be what it is now.



    Looking for someone to speak to your students/employee team about health disparities and how it impacts their work? I would be happy to give a talk in-person or virtually, and work with you to craft a specific presentation.


    If you're looking for health disparities fact sheets or templates, please do not hesitate to reach out -- I would love to work with you to develop customized content to share with your audience regarding health disparities.

  • Healthcare of a Thousand Slights Promo Video

    Learn more about the book here!

    Key Insights

    This promo video, beautifully crafted by the team at Manuscripts, highlights what inspired me to write and what you can expect in my book.

  • Ready to Order a Copy?

    If you are interested in ordering bulk copies, please do not hesitate to reach out directly (anjana.sreedhar@nyu.edu).

  • Want to read more in blog format?

    Check out my musings and ruminations on my Substack.